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(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Call us to day:
(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
The soft inner parts of the teeth are called the root canal. It includes the pulp, blood vessels, nerves and the interior of the tooth root.
A root canal treatment is required when the root canal becomes infected or badly decayed and it is designed to save the tooth rather than replace it. During the treatment the infected or decayed areas with the pulp and nerve will be removed, cleaned and sealed. It may take two visits to complete the treatment.
Saving a tooth is a much better outcome and less expensive than having to replace it.
A root canal treatment in the molars, or back teeth is a little more complicated than for the central teeth, but essentially the same thing. The difference is that molars and pre molar teeth have two or three roots rather than one and all may require treatment. Incisors and Canine Teeth only have one root.
No 201, St Phar Kroum, Vihea Chin Village, Svaydangkum District, Siem Reap City, Cambodia.