Call us to day:
(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Call us to day:
(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Crowns used in dentistry are either ceramic or metal-ceramic.
Metal-ceramic crowns have a metal core and are cheaper in comparison to pure ceramic crowns
Metals used in making crowns are chromium, molybdenum and palladium. Nickel is not used due to the possibility of an allergic reaction.
No 201, St Phar Kroum, Vihea Chin Village, Svaydangkum District, Siem Reap City, Cambodia.