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(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Call us to day:
(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
An impacted tooth is one that fails to grow through the gums, canine and wisdom teeth are the most common to become impacted.
Impacted teeth can cause the other teeth to become crooked, cause the improper eruption of nearby teeth especially in children, painful cysts can form, infections are more common and it causes other negative changes in the jaw.
The initial treatment is to expose the impacted tooth to allow it to grow on its own. If this is unsuccessful orthodontic treatments to create a space in the jaw will be commenced, prior to surgery to guide the tooth into its proper position.
No 201, St Phar Kroum, Vihea Chin Village, Svaydangkum District, Siem Reap City, Cambodia.