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(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
Call us to day:
(+855) 85 34 00 34 (+855) 15 34 00 34 (+855) 70 99 22 95 (+855) 68 99 22 95Open hour: Mn - St: 7:30am - 7:00pm
An Apicetomy is a surgical operation to remove an infection at the base of teeth which has not responded to any other treatment.
Infections in the base of teeth can be especially difficult to treat and if left can develop an abscess or cyst. This is painful and can lead to the loss of bone surrounding the root, this means the tooth will become loose and may fall out.
The operation removes the infection from the base of the tooth and jaw, and fills the area, preventing further infection.
No 201, St Phar Kroum, Vihea Chin Village, Svaydangkum District, Siem Reap City, Cambodia.